The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Beginnings

Welcome to The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

So why is the Slightly Mad Housewife riding again, and why did she stop riding in the first place?

I used to host the blog Musings of a Slightly Mad Housewife, but I dropped out of the blogging world quite suddenly about a year ago. In truth, I can't tell you exactly why, except that it took up a lot of my time and, for a while, I didn't really miss it.

The one thing I do regret is that I had made several friends in the blogosphere, and I ended up dropping them like rocks. I feel really, really awful about this, because they are a great bunch of people and I miss them.

Special aside: I can't bring myself to read all the comments of people looking for me on my last Musings post :-( :-( :-( :-(

Why am I back? Because it was FUN, and blogging is a good outlet for me. Maybe no one will read now, but it will still make me feel better.

So what's this steenking blog about anyway, and should I care?

This blog is about me and my life and what I think. OK, it's really just a diary. And if you don't like it, don't read it, silly! There's plenty of other good content on the Internet, plus lots and lots (and lots and lots...) of crappy content to hold you without reading about my little corner of the world.

Should you care? Well, everyone needs a little love sometimes *sniff*, but if you don't, it won't hurt my feelings. Really. *stifled sob*

So what's next, kemosabe?

A couple of things over the next couple weeks:

1. Give you readers a little background about me, since I don't actually expect you to go and read my old blog.

2. Make this blog look a little prettier and not so generic (but I'm pretty lazy, so it might take a while).

3. Tell my friends and old readers and such that I'm back. And hope they'll take me back. :-(

4. Figure out how to make this blog thing work for me. No, no, I know how Blogger works! I mean that I need to figure out how much posting and reading of other blogs I can handle, because I was spending a couple hours a day doing this stuff before and that was *way* too much.

This length of this post has probably turned a bunch of you off already, so if you made it this far, congratulations! And thank you again for reading!


Blogger Mz. Gydnew said...

You're back!!! :D I've missed you. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to.

6/02/2006 8:22 PM  

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