The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Almost Time For That VBS Fun

Yup, Vacation Bible School starts tomorrow. I'm fairly well prepared, but I'm not so sure that anyone else is! I was at church for four hours today decorating and getting things ready, but nobody else has any decorations or anything in their rooms. OK, whatever then...

My co-teacher showed up and dropped a couple things off, but she was obviously very upset. She didn't want to talk about it and left almost immediately. I'm worried about her - she's 7 months pregnant, just lost her job, and I understand she's having some marital problems.

Even so, the show must go on. In the last couple days the number of students in my class (4- and 5-year-olds) has gone from 12 to 16. Oh joy. So, despite the fact that I switched grades this year, I, once again, for the 6th year in a row, have the largest class of all the VBS teachers. Except that they're all younger this time.

Needless to say, any posts that I put up in the next five days are going to be filled with exhaustion-derived madness.

On a side note, I've had to take most of the last week off from tae kwon do because I pulled a shoulder muscle. I really, really hope that it gets better soon because I feel the calendar ticking off the days until testing day on the 31st. And I could really use some practice.


Blogger Michael F Harris said...

Get that sholder better.

Have fun with the little ones.

8/13/2006 11:18 PM  

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