The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why Am I Surrounded By Yahoos?

So instead of reading that horrible understatement of the year (see last post), I decided to ask the kids how they think the Jews would have felt. Their response?


Oh, man.... LOL

OK, regarding the subject line: So today in class I had the kids making hand sheep. Here's a representative sample made by me this evening, and never mind my lack of artistic skill:

I gave my co-teacher the task of making the children's handprints (by painting their hands and pressing on a piece of paper) while I was in charge of washing up the painted children down the hall.

As I'm leaving the room, I notice that my coteacher is making the hand prints with the fingers all together. No... spread the fingers apart, it's supposed to be 4 legs and a head....

A little later when I'm almost done washing up little hands my teenage assistant comes to me with one of the sheep with cotton balls glued on.... one at the end of each finger. No.... umm...sheep's bodies are fuzzy, not their noses and feet...

Ugh. [ShadowAngel looks skyward] Maybe it's my fault for not being more specific.

Most of the kids couldn't finish them today anyway because the paint was still wet. Therefore, my example piece shown above. I made an example of tomorrow's project too because I can't trust my co-teacher to be able to figure it out.


Blogger ShadowAngel said...

Oh crap, I think I just gave away my biometrics! :-)

8/16/2006 8:15 PM  

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