I [Heart] VOC's
That is, Volatile Organic Compounds, for those of you who had the brains to avoid studying chemistry (unlike me, who got through 3/4 of the chemistry curriculum in college and ended up dropping it - but that's a long and moderately painful story, not to mention totally irrelevant to the discussion - oh, I'm sorry, did I go a little off tangent?).
Mostly of the nasty stinky stuff you find in cleaners, paints, varnishes, and the like (including coffee, but let's not go there) are VOC's. And most of them are bad for you. Won't give you a lecture here about it.
Anyway, the point is, I'm suffering from overexposure right now. Yesterday I vaccuumed out my car, Febrezed it, cleaned the interior with some good shit (like Armor All but actually good for the actual cleaning part too), washed it, and waxed it.
The DH informed me this morning that he had left his keys in my car's ignition all night last night and that he ended up draining the battery. And then, of course, he left for work without giving me a jump start first. Thanks, Ironwolf! [ShadowAngel rolls eyes]
So this morning (btw the first morning I've actually had to myself since school started) I decided to finish up the car cleaning by Windexing the windows and mirrors and then applying Rain-X. Rain-X is one of the best substances ever invented for cars. It causes the water to bead up and roll off your exterior glass so that it's *much* easier to see in the rain. And the "interior" version of Rain-X is an anti-fogging agent, with is very useful when the kids are blowing on the windows in the winter.
But they both stink to high heaven! And of course I can't get my car out of the garage for more ventilation, but I really wanted to get this done. The exterior went fine, but then I went inside the car.
I'm in an enclosed space where I have used three different cleaners plus the Rain-X.
So anybody want to make a guess how I was starting to feel?
Oh, yeah, all the good stuff: dizzy, light-headed, headachy, nauseous.
I finished, and I'm ok, but here I am, almost 6 hours later, still not feeling so good.
Somebody tell me not to do stupid things like that anymore!
But if you didn't do stuff like that you wouldn't have anything to write about.
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