The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Poor Ironwolf's Interminable Church Meeting

My hubby Ironwolf went out to dinner with the guys last night and when I came home from my children's choir practice there they were at my house.

Sheesh, thanks for telling me we were going to have guests tonight. I'd made a turkey breast and mashed potatoes for dinner, which was still yummy *without* DH there to share it at the table. Ppppttthh!!!

That's ok though. They played hockey outside with the boys for a while, which was really sweet. It was one of the things that Jon (my dear friend visiting from out-of-town that I mentioned several posts ago) wanted to do while he's here. He's really missed seeing the boys, and 2 1/2 years brings a lot of changes when there's little kids involved.

Eventually the guys head down to the basement for this evening's board gaming adventure. Then comes...the phone call.

It's Kay. As in, Pastor Kay from church. And guess who was missing an important committee meeting currently in progress? Well, duh, read the subject line! And they really, really wanted Ironwolf there because he had the minutes from the last meeting (back in June). With a heavy sigh Ironwolf rushes off to the stupid church meeting.

Which of course leaves his three friends in the lurch in the basement. Well, no problem, they'll just pick out a different board game to play until he comes back. I can't really be a good hostess because my primary job is to keep the kids out of their hair while they are playing, and getting the kids to bed of course.

So they finish their game, and one of the guys leaves, and still no Ironwolf. I come downstairs from putting the kids to bed and folding a couple loads of laundry at about 9:45 and the two remaining friends are sitting in my dark living room talking. I join them, and poor Ironwolf drags himself in at 10:15, making the total meeting time almost 3 hours.

You know, if I was him I just wouldn't put up with it anymore. There's no reason why these monthly church meetings should take more than 1 to 1 1/2 hours. There's too much socializing, and too much digressing. I suggested that next year Ironwolf should offer to be chair of the committee, because then he could run the meetings the way he wanted to. He's seriously considering it.


Blogger ShadowAngel said...

The answer to your question, most esteemed Jade, is that I dump out the clothes on top of my bed and fold and sort them there. So I can't go to bed until the laundry's done.

Which is why one of my minor pet peeves regarding my hubby is when he brings up a load of laundry right before bed, usually when I'm absolutely exhausted, so that I (we) are obliged to take care of it. I'd rather pretend that the clean laundry doesn't exist and let it sit in the dryer overnight.

9/22/2006 3:45 PM  

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