The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Stupid Music Files, or Why the Heck Don't I Leave Well Enough Alone?

I've found that my ITunes library is an absolute mess, with incomplete song information, lots of duplicate songs, and the like. This is partially because I have music spread in different places on my hard drive, and also because a certain percentage of my music was obtained not quite legally or as independent artists (such as goofballs like me making music on the side) without album info (and sometimes even without artist names). The latter mess is only about 10-15% of my entire collection.

So I've been cleaning up directories, and consolidating files, and importing some of my CDs that didn't make it into ITunes before. It's all such a mess. I don't know why I'm bothering with this. After three hours of fiddling and fussing I still have about 250 songs that I don't quite know what to do with yet. Some of them are from compilation albums, some are strays that I don't know where they came from, a few are duplicates I haven't weeded out yet, plus a lot of simply badly labeled files that I have to sort out artists and titles and albums. it's going to take a couple more hours to process them and then rebuild the ITunes database.

And all this because I want my file structure to look pretty. Honestly, if I put as much effort into cleaning my house I'd have a much neater domicile than I do.


Blogger Mz. Gydnew said...

All I can say is I'm sooo lucky. My husband is the one who went through our iTunes and fixed it all. He did searches using song lyrics to label my illgotten music and added album covers to every single one.

8/21/2006 5:36 PM  
Blogger Mz. Gydnew said...

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8/21/2006 5:36 PM  
Blogger ShadowAngel said...

Album covers? Holy cow that's ambitious! I don't think I'm going to be that inspired.

But, as of 8:01 PM, 4229 songs down, 28 to go!

8/21/2006 8:07 PM  
Blogger Random said...

Even though it doesn't run smooth all the time, I am a fan of itunes. I especially like the 'copy file to itunes music folder when adding' option. That way when I dl some music off the internet (Like 'Goth Girls' by MC Frontalot, just released to the general public for free, and yes I already own the album but if I didn't I would) and then add it to itunes I can just delete it from whatever temp folder I had it in secure in the knowledge that it is in that huge itunes folder. I've also had to use the 'consolidate library' option once or twice. Itunes is also great for podcasts. (I'd pimp ny recent d21 post but I don't want to be obnoxious)

8/22/2006 3:45 PM  
Blogger Trebuchet said...

I do this, too! So glad I'm not the only crazy music-organization freak. My ex used to insist we named every single song we put in our ITunes the moment we did it so as to avoid having to spend three days on it sometime in the future.

Wish I'd listened!

8/23/2006 2:13 PM  

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