The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Kindergarten Babies, First Grade Snots...

(does anyone remember that one? :-p )

Yes, my "kindergarten baby" is becoming a "first-grade snot"! Yesterday was kindergarten graduation, was a little concert by the kids and a quick walk across the stage to get a "diploma" followed by a reception in the classroom. Thankfully, it wasn't anything that was overblown - after all, it's *just* kindergarten. But the kids were cute.

That was followed by the school's annual Field Day, where instead of classes there are games and shows, a bounce house and a picnic lunch. Parents are welcome as well and I came by for the afternoon. It was surprisingly well organized, with each class following a schedule of activities for the day, plus a little down time scheduled as well.

There's two more days of school still before the loooooonnnnggg summer. Honestly I don't know what I'll do with both boys home all day. I'm signing them up for the local track program (5 mornings/week, 7 weeks, and only $10/child - what a deal!) plus I've got a few other little things lined up, but I always feel like I should be doing more.

[Shoutout to Random: Yes, you're right - I probably have no business talking about karma in the first place when I don't *really* understand the concept (but I will soon, bwah ha ha yay Internet! :-) ). And yeah, it probably is the tae kwon do reflexes, although I steadfastly refuse to consider myself to be anything but a klutz.]


Blogger Michael F Harris said...

Tae Kwon Do Summer camps each. Sign them up.

6/17/2006 4:39 PM  

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