The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tae Kwon Do, My God!

Before I get into the Tae Kwon Do stuff, a little update regarding the accident:

The bicyclist called me the other day. Oh, the poor thing sounded so nervous and shy, admitting to me sheepishly that he didn't have health insurance! I apologized to him, expressed my relief that he wasn't badly hurt, and assured him that the auto insurance should be taking care of this. I guess that for his sake I hope that they don't give him any hassle.

Anyway, Tae Kwon Do stuff. Let me relate two incidents to you this week, starting with the more recent.

This morning at class we spent most of class kicking the big, cushy shield targets (big rectangular padded targets about 30" tall by maybe 16" wide). On my turn to hold the target we were doing back kick (one of my favorites, btw), and a rather large guy (who I am actually quite fond of) planted a really, *really* good one at and underneath my bottom ribs on one side. Shit, let me tell you, it *HURT*. Through the target! I ended up dropping the target and staggering off the floor. I could feel it all the way through to my back.

Master Chong came to me to see if I was all right. I believe this is exactly what I told him: "I'm ok, I'll be back out in a miunte or two, but *damn*, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that for real!"

I am just fine, thanks, and I got plenty of sympathy in the locker room from the other chicks, and plenty of apologies from the offending gentleman (who was gently chastised by Master Chong for a lack of control). Really not a big deal - you have to expect your share of bumps and bruises here.

Incident #2: Back on Wednesday during class we were doing "street-fighting" drills, which is something I like because it usually means lots of elbows, knees, and backfists (hee hee don't fight me or you'll get an elbow to the chin, a backfist to the nose, and a knee to the groin).

Anyway, we were doing something a little different for the end part of class. Master Chong had one line holding shield targets while the opposite line would attack those targets by any means for 10 second rounds, with rotations between partners each round. The target-holders' job was to make life difficult for their partner by literally shoving them around and being an in-your-face nuisance.

For the first seven rounds I was one of the target holders, and this job was surprisingly difficult, especially against some of the big guys who could basically just knock you over if they tried. By the end of that I was really very tired. But then, of course, it was my turn to be the "attacker" (ok really the defender for the purpose of this exercise) for another seven rounds.

Let me tell you, 10 seconds never seemed so long in my life. I was being harassed so badly that all I could do was throw elbows, knees, and shoulders into the target. By the time three rounds of this had gone by, I was panting, exhausted - ok, that's enough, time to go home!

I don't really know how I made it through the last four rounds - I tapped so deep into my reserves that there is nothing I can remember but this enraged, desperate, last-ditch fury. It was so surreal, hearing these strange screams coming from my throat, knowing that I was reaching the limit where there would no more left to give. I know that all the instructors took note, hearing and seeing this display from me that they had never witnessed before.

Gosh, I don't really know how to describe it well enough to do the scene justice. I think I revealed more of my essence than what I had intended, and not only to my fellow students and instructors, but maybe even to myself as well.

*Good Lord, it's 2:17 AM, what the hell am I still doing up? G'night!*


Blogger Mz. Gydnew said...

I think it's great that you've kept up with the Tae Kwon Do! I know that for the few months I did it I had a lot of fun but it was also exhausting excercise.

6/13/2006 11:23 AM  
Blogger Michael F Harris said...

You actually get street fighting practice????? OP does drills and cuuriculum.

Which Master Chong? Father or Son?

6/14/2006 7:52 PM  

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