The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Friday, September 29, 2006

C is for Celery

That's right folks, I'm posting about celery. My life is a thrill a minute.

This year I planted some vegetables in my modest garden. The tomatoes did really, really well; the bunnies ate the lettuce and the eggplant; the peppers didn't really do that well.

But the celery was a bit of an enigma. I didn't really know what to expect - as the summer progressed the plants got larger, but they never looked like the big celery stalks that you buy in the grocery stores.

So with the chilly season fast approaching, I decided that it was time to harvest the celery no matter what its condition.

Well, here's the thing: it's nice, fresh, abundant celery, but it's really bitter (nay, 'tis the essence of celery itself) and tough and stringy. Sure, I know how to string celery, but the stalks are so thin and numerous that the task is both very difficult and very time-consuming.

Therefore I have a big bowl of celery, and I don't really know what to do with it. I'm going to see what it will be like after cooking, but I'm open to any suggestions you may have

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Blogger Michael F Harris said...

Make some wings.

9/29/2006 11:10 PM  
Blogger ShadowAngel said...

While I wholeheartedly agree with that suggestion, that won't help me with the consumption of the celery, which is too tough to chew through. :-(

After cooking some and finding not much improvement, I decided to take the whole shebang along with some other vegetable scraps and make stock tonight. Well, at least it's getting used for something.

9/30/2006 9:22 PM  
Blogger Michael F Harris said...

I was thinking that wings and celery go together. The soup stock is a good idea too.

10/01/2006 7:03 AM  

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