The Slightly Mad Housewife Rides Again!

The continuing saga of a chick with small children trying to find sanity in an insane world, and largely failing.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Day For Nothing In Particular

So, nobody's going to read about it. But here's the news of the day anyway:

1. Ironwolf has not yet won a million dollars in Vegas.

2. Zipper keeps getting nosebleeds in school. Ugh, they are going to wonder what's wrong with the kid. But I already know:"The doctor says I wouldn't get so many nosebleeds if I'd just keep my darned finger out of there." - Ralphie Wiggum (Crap, I think I quoted that a couple weeks ago when I was talking about Zipper's nosebleeds.)

3. The Sabres' season starts tomorrow! (ooh, hockey hockey hockey hockey hockey...)

4. I really wanted to do some gardening today but it's been raining all day. Damn forecast said it wasn't going to rain until afternoon...

5. Oooh, yay! I get to do my gospel solo in church this Sunday! And may I say with all modesty that I totally rock! (My blog, I can brag if I want to!)

6. When Ironwolf went on his trip he took my new Enigma CD in the car with him! I haven't even listened to it yet! So if I want it I'd have to get it from his car at the airport. Not worth it.

7. I am now a member of the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas ring! I figure with a name like that you can't go wrong!

8. Yesterday was my parents' 35th anniversary! Hooray for matrimonial bliss! They celebrated the anniversary and my mom's new job by buying a PT Cruiser convertable.

I promise, I'll have more interesting stuff tomorrow. Maybe some stuff about the kids, maybe some dish on the relatives, we'll see...



Blogger Michael F Harris said...

Hip Hop Mammas???? Sound like fun.

10/03/2006 12:16 PM  

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