Guest blogging
Apparently one of the biggest issues all creative activities suffer from is the eventual diminishment of the creative muse when repeated deadlines are required.
Thus, I bring you the guest blogger.
So, this is Ironwolf here, guest blogger.
I'm going to blog about something so esoteric, that perhaps I will never have to endure the agony of compositional writing again. After all, I write all day at work. Why would I want to guest blog? Because my sweet S.M.H. asked me to, that's why.
So...topic...electrical consumer product technical compliance service providers. (esoteric, no?)
In my business, we are a priovider of technical consulting and compliance services. We manufacture nothing. We (supposedly) get paid by providing consulting, and independant evaluation.
No one wants to pay to have people tell them things. The internet makes it all free. To paraphrase Billy Idol's Cyberpunk "All information should be free;it is not".
Anyhow party A may hire us to see if party B did everything they need to have to have legal compliance. Party B trys to fake their way through things saying ..."oh yes, we have everything, just could you tell us if this particular line in our instruction manual would be acceptable as requred by the federal regulations for unintentional radiating Class B digital devices." Well of course I can...but I won't. This isn't a charity. The real problem is Party B never did their compliance homework, and they're looking to have us help them out (by giving answers one at a time in the emial. If you did your compliance work, you'd have the answers already. Or to sum up with the punchline:
One would expect one's certification lab to provide one one's needed compliance information completely. And if one's certification lab does not so provide, one would suggest they change compliance providers.
Hire us...a la Jerry McGuire "Show me the money!"
Rant over. I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog. (Poor S.M.H. - Husband's job can get dreadfully dry sometimes !)
I asked him because I couldn't think of anything to blog about and I was too busy sucking down margaritas anyway. LOL
Maybe we won't ask him back for a while...
Yes but how many times has company that hired you not know what it is they wanted reviewed in the first place?
ShadowAngel replying, not Ironwolf:
You're absolutely right about that, and sometimes part of the job is determining what the applicable regulations and testing requirements are. Again, information that a company should expect to pay for if they are incapable or unwilling to handle it themselves.
Oh, if I show this to Ironwolf it's just going to get him started, turning this into the most boring blog in the universe...
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